11 March 2010

FOUND in Benson

The newest issue of FOUND in Benson came out last night and, if you have the means, you should definitely check it out. Content for the zine and the number of copies printed each week solely depends on how many submissions we get and how much people donate. This week was a pretty limited run of 100, but there should be copies in a few places around the Dundee area (Amsterdam, Blue Line Coffee, etc) as well as all of the usual businesses in Benson.

This is the cover of this week's issue.

This zine is something I am really proud of and am happy to be a part of. Also in this issue: an interview with Beck from AYGAMG (who is playing a show tonight at the Pizza Shoppe with Addison Wright and Whipkey Zimmerman), a great fiction piece from Aaron Shipp, poetry from Scott 'Zip' Zimmerman, and a great new mix-tape (which you can stream online at the FOUND in Benson Facebook page). Check it out if you have time.


  1. Also, not that it matters, really, but I did the cover this week. :)

  2. Very rad, your beard drawings are very cool. I really start to making a weekly trip through Benson to specifically pick this guy up.

  3. Yay! We put it together every Wednesday night and then someone on staff (usually Brad) walks it around to all of the businesses. Should be on shelves for sure every Thursday morning.

  4. nice drawing. i had a poem in an issue with a found chinese menu on the cover.


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